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第十四讲 林海青教授
发表日期: 2010-03-02 作者: admin
【打印】 关闭
题  目:Explore Connections between Quantum Phase Transition and Entanglemen
时  间:3月2日下午2:30
地  点:三号楼三楼会议室
 摘要:What and how to compute quantities which connect quantum phase transition (QPT) and
entanglement are main issues to address in this talk. I report our group’s efforts in finding computable
quantities to explore the relation between QPT and entanglement. First we introduce a few computable
quantities one can measure the entanglement. Then we study behaviors of those quantities in several
well known quantum many-body systems such as the extended Hubbard model and quantum spin
models. We argue the important role played by the low-lying excitation spectra reconstruction near the
QPT in identifying the behavior of the entanglement and QPT. It is hoped that a unified and intuitive
picture on the relation between the QPT and the entanglement could be given.
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