Speaker: Prof. Xiaojia Chen South China University of Technology, China Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA
Time: 9:00 a.m., Friday, Oct.9, 2009
Place: Room 221, main building of Institute of Solid State Physics
Using diamond-anvil cells, pressure is emerging as a new physical dimension in the research of the hydrogen-bonding energy matter. Dense hydrogen is considered as an ideal energy matter because it just produces clean water when reacting with oxygen. It is also believed to be a superconductor with a critical temperature around room temperature. As a clean and effective variable, pressure has played an important role in engineering hydrogen-bonding material for hydrogen storage and application. Pressure also has transformed many substances that are not superconducting at atmosphere pressure into superconducting modifications. Although the superconductivity in solid hydrogen has not been realized yet, dense hydrogen-rich molecular materials are being examined to be a pathway to achieve high-temperature superconductivity. Here I will present our recent results of high-pressure behaviors of most hydrogen-bonding energy materials (H2, CH4, SiH4, GeH4, SnH4, CH4+H2O, SiH4+H2, etc.).
陈晓嘉,博士,教授,博士生导师。相继在南京大学物理系、 香港中文大学物理系、 德国马普学会固态研究所、美国肯特州立大学物理系、 美国华盛顿卡内基研究院地球物理实验室从事超导电性与磁性和高压科学的实验和理论研究工作。曾作为项目协调人参与建设位于美国橡树岭国家实验室的世界上先进的中子源--散裂中子源的高压工作站,现为美国国家能源部在建的极端环境能源前沿研究中心中子项目负责人。2007年加入华南理工大学,目前作为该校“兴华人材工程”讲座教授,正负责筹建高压科学实验室。研究方向涵盖超导电性, 磁电子材料, 氢能源材料,和高压物理。1996年至今作为主要作者共发表44篇SCI收录的研究论文,其中4篇发表在国际著名学术刊物Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.,2篇发表在Phys. Rev. Lett., 22篇发表在Phys. Rev. B上。