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Off-line laboratory for high pressure beamline at SSRF
发表日期: 2011-06-15 作者:
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报告人:Chang-Sheng Zha     Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington

题 目:Off-line laboratory for high pressure beamline at SSRF

时 间:2011年6月16日(周四)下午3:00

地 点:三号楼321会议室


 Chang-Sheng Zha was a staff scientist in charge the high pressure program at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) for many years before taking the position of lab manager and research scientist at CDAC/GL/CIW. He uses a variety of experimental techniques in the study of high P-T physics, chemistry, geosciences and material science. His contributions in high pressure elasticity measurements of the Earth-forming materials using Brillouin scattering spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray diffraction led to a better understanding of geophysical and geochemical process in the layered structures of the Earth’s deep interior. Studies of hydrogen and helium at extreme pressures are of importance for the planetary sciences. His work on creating a primary pressure scale using simultaneous elasticity and density measurements resulted in a promising method for verifying the validity of all pressure standards. Zha has also been developing the resistive heating techniques in combination with modern diamond anvil cell technique for many years. His newly improved internal resistive heating technique has been a successful tool for high precision studies of phase transitions, equations of state, and material synthesis at simultaneous pressure-temperature conditions of the lower mantle. His current focus is the physical and chemical properties of molecular crystals at multi-mega-bar pressures and very high temperatures using optical, Raman, and infrared spectroscopy, and synchrotron x-ray diffraction.

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